A Response To Alternative Views.


The first step most people do when considering a new or alternative therapy to use for the improvement of their health is to do some research. Traditionally, this is done by talking to someone you trust, for example, a friend, or perhaps your doctor. Nowadays, most basic research is done by a simple search on the internet.

But as we know, the internet is not the storehouse for truth. And even more recently, fake news, or 'alternative truth' is gaining so much popularity that the internet giants are taking steps to combat this menace.…

Read more: The Truth About Colon Hydrotherapy:

While fancy juice fasts and raw diets can be great for some people at certain times of the year, there’s a much simpler way to detoxify your body, based on Ayurvedic medicine.

The simple secret? Hot water. Drink it. Keep a big cup next to you throughout the day and sip on it every chance you get. Getting cold? Dump the old stuff and boil a fresh pot. Drinking hot water softens the lymph tissues,…

Read more: The Hot Water Secret


As simple as it may sound walking is something many people don’t do enough. When thinking of staying happy and healthy one of the most important things you must keep in mind is your physical activity. Again, physical activity does not mean you must run, jog or perform activities you may have done in the past. Your physical activity can mainly consist of walking. Yes, you read that correctly – walking.

  • Walking will help:…

Read more: Benefits Of Walking As An Exercise


Although this word may be foreign to many it’s important to remember that no human being is equipped to function in constant stress mode. It is unhealthy to have a life filled with all work and no play. Some of the most common health problems that result when a person doesn’t relax enough include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders.

It’s important to take some time out for yourself at least…

Read more: Just Relax...


Breathe mindfully – The process of mindful breathing is a form of meditation; and also a great way to get more oxygen into your blood and tissues. If you start right now and pay attention to how you are breathing, it is more than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite shallowly. This is not a healthy breathing pattern.

Try this: start by inhaling completely and slowly exhaling completely. If you take one…

Read more: Mindful Breathing To Improve Well Being

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We are located on General Mathenge Drive,

50m from the Peponi Rd Junction, turn left from Westgate Mall, Westlands.
Hse # 28

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0736 337 783

email: info@colonhydrotherapy.co.ke

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